API Reference


Manifest generator for data files.

Produces a text file with user specificied checksums for all files from the top of a specified tree and checks line length and ASCII character status for text files.

For statistics program files: SAS .sas7bdat SPSS .sav Stata .dta

Checker() will report number of cases and variables as rows and columns respectively.

Checker Objects

class Checker()

A collection of various tools attached to a file

 | __init__(fname: str)

Initializes Checker instance

fname : str
    Path to file

 | __del__()

Destructor closes file

 | produce_digest(prot: str = 'md5', blocksize: int = 2*16) -> str

Returns hex digest for object

fname : str
   Path to a file object

prot : str
   Hash type. Supported hashes: 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256',
      'sha384', 'sha512', 'blake2b', 'blake2s', 'md5'.
      Default: 'md5'

blocksize : int
   Read block size in bytes

 | flat_tester(**kwargs) -> dict

Checks file for line length and number of records.

Returns a dictionary:

{'min_cols': int, 'max_cols' : int, 'numrec':int, 'constant' : bool}

 | non_ascii_tester(**kwargs) -> list

Returns a list of dicts of positions of non-ASCII characters in a text file.

[{'row': int, 'col':int, 'char':str}...]

fname : str

Keyword arguments:

    flatfile : bool
       — Perform rectangularity check. If False, returns dictionary
         with all values as 'N/A'

 | null_count(**kwargs) -> dict

Returns an integer count of null characters in the file (‘\x00’) or None if skipped

Keyword arguments:

    flatfile : bool
       — Test is useless if not a text file. If False, returns 'N/A'

 | dos(**kwargs) -> bool

Checks for presence of carriage returns in file

Returns True if a carriage return ie, ord(13) is present

Keyword arguments:

flatfile : bool
    — Perform rectangularity check. If False, returns dictionary
      with all values as 'N/A'

 | manifest(out: str = 'txt', **kwargs)

Returns your desired output type as string

out : str — Acceptable values are ‘txt’, ‘csv’, ‘json’

Accepted keywords and defaults: digest : str — Hash algorithm. Default ‘md5’

flat : bool
    — Flat file checking. Default True

nonascii : bool
    — Check for non-ASCII characters. Default True

dos : bool
    — check for Windows CR/LF combo. Default True
flatfile : bool
    — Perform rectangularity check. If False, returns dictionary
      with all values as 'N/A'

headers : bool
   —  Include csv header (only has any effect with out='csv')
      Default is False