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Introduction to Jupyter

Computational notebooks like Jupyter or Google Collaboratory are incredible helpful tools for exploring an idea without needing to set anything fancy up. They are also tools for creating complex documents with a mix of narrative, data, and code that can be run within the noteboook. This session will introduce you to common computational notebooks such as Jupyter (accessible for anyone at UBC via UBC Syzygy) and Google Collaboratory (accessible via a Google account). Participants will come away with a better understanding of how these tools function and what can be done with them.

This is a short-form introductory session and there are no pre-requisites.

Learning objectives

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  1. Articulate the benefits of using a computational notebook,
  2. Set up, make changes to, and save a noteboook,
  3. Share a notebook with others.


0:00 Welcome and using Zoom
0:05 Introduction
0:15 What are computational notebooks?
0:30 The Jupyter Ecosystem
0:40 Hands on with UBC Syzygy
1:00 Wrap-up and Discussion


  • Project Jupyter - Browser and Local installation options.
  • UBC Syzygy - UBC hosted instance of JupyterHub. Accessible through UBC CWL login.
  • Google Collaboratory - Jupyter based computational notebook environment accessible through a Google Account.