
Recording audio

No matter what type of recording equipment you are using, there are some similar strategies and best practices for ensuring you get the best sound quality as possible. When it comes to audio, it’s always better to try and record in the best environment possible than relying on fixing the sound errors in the editing room.

1 Remember to keep a copy of the unedited audio.

If you’re recording in Audacity, save your unedited audio as an Audacity project or as a WAV file just in case. If you make too many edits or if something happens to your editing file, you’ll be glad that you have an unedited version to fall back on.

2 Record in the quietest room possible.

Sometimes it’s not possible to record in a professional sound booth. When recording anywhere else, it’s important to minimize as much sound as possible. Try to avoid big, empty rooms where sound will create an echoing effect.

3 Test your sound before you record.

When you’re in the space that you will be recording your audio, test it out. Record yourself speaking in the room and then play it back to yourself. How does it sound?

4 Make sure your volume is the right level.

You want to play back the sound to make sure that your levels are not “too hot”. This means that the sound is not too loud. Audacity allows you to monitor your levels using the Mixer Toolbar. Ideally, you should be aiming for approximately -10 dB.

Volume toolbar

If your levels are too hot, it will go into the red and the sound will become distorted. If the sound is too loud during recording, it will be hard to fix when you are editing.

Volume toolbar going into red

5 Speak towards the microphone, at the same distance, for the entire recording.

If you’re using an external microphone, make sure that you are facing the microphone and speaking at the same distance for the entire recording. If you stray too far from the microphone, you may end up getting different sound quality throughout your recording. Position your microphone slightly to the side of your mouth if you are not using a windscreen or pop filter.

6 Record the room tone.

Every room has its own unique sound due to technology, windows, air conditioner, etc. Record some silent room tone in case you need it to fill in any gaps in the editing room.

Recording audio in Audacity

To record audio in Audacity, select the appropriate microphone from the drop down menu.

Microphone drop down menu

Plug in your microphone before you open Audacity otherwise it might not appear in the drop down menu.

To record sound, select the Record button. Record button

You can pause the recording. Pause button

Or, stop the recording. Stop button