Activity 1: Explore and Contextualize Public Bitcoin Data
Please navigate with me to BitInfoCharts. We will explore the immediately presented data about the state of the Bitcoin network, and explore what this information can meaningfully relay about the actual activities happening around this blockchain.
Activity 2: Review Transactions from a Known Ethereum Address
Vitalik Buterin, wunderkind inventor of the Ethereum world computer idea, shared one of his major public ETH wallet addresses here in 2018.
This is that address on the public blockchain explorer Etherscan.
However, perfectly in line with our workshop focus, the major explorer Etherscan was down when polishing this workshop day-of, so let’s explore how we deal with that by finding an alternate public blockchain explorer (e.g. Etherchain, Ethplorer) and manually searching for Vitalik’s address, 0xab5801a7d398351b8be11c439e05c5b3259aec9b.