
Hands-on Learning Activities

Doing a Docker Install

Dockerfiles Lifecycle

First we want to explore a bit more about the lifecycle of a Dockerfile.

In almost all use cases, you will not need to write a Dockerfile yourself, but can instead select one from a trusted Docker Registry.

The main registry used by most people is Docker Hub, which provides a Github-like management platform for sharing Docker images. Additionally, Docker Hub curates “Official Images” for many popular programs and use cases.

Let’s navigate together to the Official Jekyll Docker Image to look into how these image’s lifecycles are maintained, and how tags can specifically help us choose the best image for any given use case.

Dockerhub Hands-On Activity

Optional: If time allows, we can begin to progress to this beginner-level activity on Docker Hub Playground. You will need to register a DockerID in order to use the Docker Hub Playground site!