Regression Workshop
- Linear Regression:
- Demonstrate how to perform simple linear regression using a small dataset.
- Show how to visualize the relationship between the input feature and the target variable using scatter plots.
- Interpret the coefficients and evaluate the model’s performance using metrics such as mean squared error (MSE) or R-squared.
- Polynomial Regression:
- Introduce the concept of polynomial regression and how it can capture nonlinear relationships.
- Show how to create polynomial features from the original input features.
- Train and evaluate a polynomial regression model and compare it to a linear regression model.
- Multiple Linear Regression:
- Extend the linear regression example to include multiple input features.
- Demonstrate how to handle categorical features using one-hot encoding or feature encoding techniques.
- Train a multiple linear regression model using the extended dataset and evaluate its performance.
- Regularization Techniques:
- Discuss the concept of overfitting and the need for regularization.
- Illustrate how to apply regularization techniques like L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization.
- Compare the effects of different regularization strengths on the model’s coefficients and performance.
- Evaluation and Cross-Validation:
- Introduce the importance of model evaluation and the risk of overfitting.
- Show how to split the data into training and testing sets for evaluation.
- Discuss the concept of cross-validation and demonstrate how to perform k-fold cross-validation.
- Visualization of Regression Models:
- Use plots such as scatter plots, line plots, or residual plots to visualize the model’s predictions and residuals.
- Demonstrate how to create visualizations that help interpret the model’s performance and understand the relationship between the features and the target variable.
Classification and Clustering
Classification Examples:
- Binary Classification with Logistic Regression:
- Introduce binary classification and logistic regression.
- Show how to preprocess the data, split it into training and testing sets, and perform feature scaling if necessary.
- Train a logistic regression model using a binary classification dataset and evaluate its performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
- Visualize the decision boundary and the predicted probabilities.
- Multi-class Classification with Support Vector Machines (SVM):
- Explain the concept of multi-class classification and SVM.
- Illustrate how to apply one-vs-rest or one-vs-one strategies for multi-class classification using SVM.
- Train an SVM classifier on a multi-class dataset and evaluate its performance.
- Visualize the decision boundaries and class separation.
- Decision Trees for Classification:
- K-means Clustering:
- Explain the concept of clustering and the K-means algorithm.
- Generate a synthetic dataset with distinct clusters.
- Demonstrate how to apply K-means clustering to identify and visualize the clusters.
- Evaluate the quality of clustering using metrics like silhouette score or inertia.
- Hierarchical Clustering:
- Introduce the concept of hierarchical clustering and different linkage methods (e.g., complete, average, ward).
- Demonstrate how to perform hierarchical clustering on a dataset and visualize the resulting dendrogram.
- Discuss how to determine the optimal number of clusters using dendrogram analysis or techniques like the elbow method.
- Density-Based Clustering with DBSCAN:
- Explain the principles of density-based clustering and the DBSCAN algorithm.
- Generate a dataset with varying densities and noise.
- Show how to apply DBSCAN to discover clusters and identify outliers.
- Visualize the resulting clusters and evaluate the clustering performance.
Neural Networks
- What are Neural Networks?
- Brief introduction to the concept of neural networks and their inspiration from the human brain.
- Explanation of the basic building blocks of neural networks - artificial neurons or perceptrons.
- Understanding their activation functions and how they process inputs to generate outputs.
- Overview of the architecture of neural networks, including input layer, hidden layers, and output layer.
- Explanation of feedforward and backpropagation processes.
- Different types of activation functions (sigmoid, ReLU, etc.) and their role in neural network computations.
- Training Neural Networks:
- Introduction to the process of training neural networks using labeled data.
- Overview of loss functions and optimization techniques like gradient descent.
- Explanation of overfitting in neural networks and methods to address it, such as regularization.
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs):
- Introduction to CNNs, which are particularly suited for image-related tasks.
- Explanation of convolutional layers, pooling, and feature extraction.
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs):
- Overview of RNNs, designed for sequence data and time series analysis.
- Explanation of recurrent connections and the vanishing/exploding gradient problem.
- Discussing the limitations and challenges of neural networks, including data requirements, interpretability, and computational resources.
Time Series:
- Introduction to Time Series Data
- Define time series data and its characteristics.
- Explain common examples of time series data in different domains.
- Discuss the importance of time series analysis in real-world applications.
- Preprocessing Time Series Data
- Handle missing values in time series datasets.
- Apply resampling techniques to align time series data.
- Smooth time series data using moving averages or other methods.
- Time Series Visualization and Feature Engineering
- Visualize time series data using line plots and seasonal decomposition.
- Create lag features and rolling statistics for time series analysis.
- Extract seasonality and trends from time series data.
- Time Series Forecasting with Traditional Methods
- Introduce forecasting methods like moving averages and exponential smoothing.
- Explain the concept of ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) models.
- Demonstrate how to build and evaluate forecasts using traditional methods.
- Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for Time Series
- Define RNNs and their application in sequence data.
- Explain the concept of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks.
- Implement an LSTM model for time series forecasting using Python and TensorFlow/Keras.