Markdown guides
Markdown editors
In this session we use the online editor Dillinger, but there are many other online Markdown editors available. Here is a list of some of them:
- - Open source online Markdown editor
- Markdown Editor
- Markdown Plus - Markdown editor with extra features
- MarkdownApp
- Marxico - Markdown Editor for Evernote
- Mathdown - Has support for math and updates in editor window
- Notedown - Distraction-free offline markdown editor for the web
- Overleaf - Online collaborative LaTeX editor
- SimpleMDE - JavaScript Markdown Editor
- Zettlr - Markdown editor with citation management support
- QOwnNotes - Free cross-platform markdown note-taking app
- MindForger - Thinking Notebook and Markdown Editor
Import and export formats
The tools below can help with importing content into Markdown and exporting Markdown files to a variety of other formats.
Getting documents and content into Markdown format:
- Pandoc - “Swiss-army knife” for converting from one markup format to another
- Paste-to-Markdown - Paste in rich text and immediately get the equivalent plain text Markdown
- Word-to-Markdown - Convert all your Word documents to Markdown
Converting plain text Markdown files into:
- PhD Thesis Dissertations: phd_thesis_markdown
- Slideshow Presentations: reveal-ck (Reveal.js Construction Kit)
- Reveal.js - official homepage
- Table of Contents: tocdown
- HTML: remarkable
- Documentation: Just the Docs
- Websites: See the Introduction to Jekyll workshop
- Jekyll - official homepage
- Nicely formatted email: Markdown-here
Statistics & analysis
For data science you can use RMarkdown (Markdown with working program code mixed in):
- RStudio - an Integrated Development Environment for statistical computing that supports RMarkdown