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This workshop will introduce you to static web pages and give you the skills to create and publish simple web pages using Github Pages. We will walk through the steps and suite of tools (GitHub, GitHub Pages, Markdown) used to create static sites for a variety of academic, research, and professional use. This is an introductory workshop and no prior experience is required.

Pre-workshop Setup

This workshop will use a web browser only, so there is no need to install Git or GitHub locally. However, if you’d like to learn more about Git and GitHub before the workshop, check out the materials for the Intro to Git and GitHub workshop

Learning objectives

  • Learn about the concept of static websites and their uses in academic environments
  • Create a GitHub repository and add, edit, and manage files
  • Use Markdown to format text files
  • Use GitHub pages to create simple static web pages (using Jekyll)


0:00 Welcome and Setup
0:05 Introduction to Static Webpages
0:15 GitHub
0:35 Website Structure
0:55 Markdown
1:15 Advanced Options & Wrap-Up