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1. Custom CSS

We can also customize our CSS to get a still more personal touch. Earlier, we touched briefly on CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.


Create the following file in the following directories (remember our steps for creating a new file, including the folder it resides in):



Add the following to that file. This imports an existing theme to your CSS file.


@import "rc-theme";


Commit your changes.


Refresh your page (it might take a minute!). Use your browser’s ‘inspect’ option to see the html tags, classes, and IDs applied to your webpage. To find inspect, right click on the web page and click “Inspect.”

2. Using tags and classes and IDs in CSS

Using a tag will apply the styling to all elements with that tag. Using a class will apply the styling to all elements with that class; more than one item can have the same class. Using an ID will change the styling of the object with that ID; IDs cannot be duplicated across objects. CSS rules apply styling from the most specific to the least specific, so styling asigned to an ID over rides that applied to a class, and styling applied to a class over rides that applied to a tag.

Sometimes the theme itself will override the styling you’re trying to apply. This can be overcome by applying !important after a specific attribute.

h1 {
  color: #e91e63; !important


Update your style.scss document accordingly:


@import "rc-theme";

.blue {
  color: #fff;
  background: #000;

h2 {
  color: #ff5733;

#footer, .site-header {
  background-color: #6b9da0;

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