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Table of contents
  1. Introduction
    1. Intro
    2. Data Types
    3. Number as Dates
      1. Link: Prevent Excel from changing numbers into dates
    4. Autofill
      1. Link: Microsoft guide on using autofill
    5. Sorting
    6. Filter
      1. Link: 3 ways to remove empty rows
    7. Find and Replace
      1. Link: Filling empty cells using Go To Special
  2. Formulas
    1. Intro to Formulas
      1. Link: Basic Excel Formulas
      2. Link: When to use absolute and relative references
    2. Logical Functions
    3. Conditional Summary
    4. VLOOKUP
    5. Smart Paste
  3. Summaries and Visuals
    1. Quick Analysis
      1. Link: More on the Analyze Data tool and how to make most out of it
    2. Pivot Table
    3. Visualizations
      1. Link: How-tos on plotting different graph types in Excel
    4. Data Series in Visualizatons
    5. Saving your chart



Getting familiar with basic objects in Excel

Step 1

  1. Open new workbook.
  2. Choose File -> New in the Excel menu or press Ctrl+N (Cmd+N on Mac)

Step 2

  1. Create new worksheet.
  2. In the opened workbook click on a plus in the bottom panel on the left image-20210926205404343

Step 3

Read more about difference between Workbook and Worksheet objects Geek Excel

Data Types

Switching between data types

Most of the data is defined as a General type, unless specified otherwise. To learn what type a specific column is, select the range of values and check the dropdown list value in the Home tab.

Hint: the default alignment used by Excel suggests the data type too: numbers are aligned to the right, while text is aligned to the left.

Step 1

What type is Group column?

Step 2

What type is District Code column?

Step 3

Change District Code column to be Text.
Select values in District Code column (or select all the values in the column by clicking on the A in the column names pane) and then select Text instead of General

Number as Dates

How to avoid having numbers stored as dates

Step 1

Try to put 1-20 in the first row of the Group-District Code column

Step 2

  1. Select filled cell (D5) and change type to be Text. Did it work?
  2. Unfortunately, Excel does not allow to switch between dates and text after the transformation has been done. However, we may prevent the automatic switch to the date format by choosing the format of column.

Step 3

Delete the value in the cell. Change the Group-District Code column to be Text. Now. fill the first 5 values manually following the pattern (1-20, 2-20,3-20, 4-20,TOTAL-20 ).

Datawrapper Academy


How to fill values based on the pattern

We now can fill the rest of the patern using Autofill option.

Hint: you can also use CONCAT formula to fill the pattern using values from Group and District Name columns. Please note, that in this case you need to change column type to be General for the formula to work.

Step 1

Select first 5 rows of Group-District Code column and drag the fill handle down

Microsoft Support


Explore existing sorting options

Step 1

  1. Sort data by the total number of students (ascending order).
  2. Select the Number of Students column header (cell E4) and click Sort A to Z in the Data menu tab.

Hint: Applying Filter allows to use different sorting options as well

Step 2

  1. Add another level of sorting, District Code.
  2. Follow the previous step now for District Code column, or use Sort option in the Data menu to add several rules and change their hierarchies.


Removing errors using Filter

Step 1

Apply Filter (located in the Data menu) to the District Code column.

Step 2

Select rows with blank District Code

Step 3

Right click on selected rows and select option “Delete Rows”

Step 4

Make sure you do not have any blanks left

Ablebits blog

Find and Replace

Working with missing or masked values

Step 1

  1. Use Replace to find all “Msk” entries
  2. In the Find&Select option of main menu select Replace option or click Ctrl+H (both for PC and Mac);

Step 2

  1. Replace “Msk” with blank.
  2. Do not put anything in the Replace field, not even a space

Step 3

  1. Use Go-To-Special to highlight blank cells
  2. Select the table area (not including headers) and select Go To Special from the Find&Select options. Click Fill Color to highlight selected cells

Spreadsheet Planet’s tutorial


Intro to Formulas


Hint: instead of using the formulas directly, you can also see these metrics (count, avg, sum) in the bottom right corner of the working area when selecting any range.

Step 1

Count how many observations contain number of test takers

Answer (click to open)

Step 2

Calculate total sum of the Number of Student column

Answer (click to open)

Step 3

Find the average value of the Score column

Answer (click to open)

Corporate Finance Institute

Microsoft Support

Logical Functions

Calculate some metric if condition is true

Step 1

Create a new column Percent of Test Takers

Step 2

Use IF to get the percent of test takers for the Total values only:

Answer (click to open)

Conditional Summary


SUMIF is a conditional summary, which works identical to the SUM function when a certain condition is true. SUBTOTAL is used to calculate different aggregate functions (sum, avg, etc.). Use 1 as the first parameter to calculate average.

Step 1

Open Summary sheet

Step 2

Get the total number of test takers using SUMIF();

Hint: Use “Data!” in front of the cell name (e.g. Data!C2) to reference a cell from the sheet named Data.

Answer (click to open)

Step 3

Get the total number of test takers in Burnaby and Coquitlam using SUBTOTAL() .

Hint: Filter the table to select only rows related to these two districts.

Answer (click to open)


Step 1

Return to the Summary sheet

Step 2

Use VLOOKUP to fill the rest of the summaries. Use absolute reference ($) to search rows from 5 to 49.

Hint: If VLOOKUP does not provide the right numbers, make sure to set the last parameter to be FALSE to get the exact match.

Answer (click to open)

Smart Paste

Step 1

Copy the Percent of test takers values from the Data sheet into the Summary sheet.

To avoid messing up formula, use Smart Paste -> Values Only.

Hint: You can also subselect the TOTAL values only using Filter and then copy and paste a set of values as a range rigght into the Summary sheet.

Summaries and Visuals

Quick Analysis

Using Analyze Data Tool

NOTE: This option may not be avaliable in the older Excel versions or in the Office 365.

Step 1

Return to the Data sheet

Step 2

Select all your data and choose “Analyze Data” on the right

Step 3

Explore various options and choose what you think is appropriate!

Microsoft Support

Pivot Table

Creating a simple Pivot Table

Step 1

Select Pivot Table from the Insert menu

Step 2

Select all columns in the table and choose to place the pivot table in the new worksheet

Step 3

In the opened worksheet, in the pane on the right select fields District Name, Test Takers and Total Score . Do you think this numbers are correct?

Step 4

  1. Select Group field name and move it to the Filter area. In the filter above, unselect the “TOTAL” option.
  2. Where to find a filter:

Step 5

In the Values area, change the Total Score from Sum to the Average.

Hint: Click on the info symbol to change the aggregation function:


How to make a simple visualization

Step 1

Return to the Data sheet

Step 2

Select only TOTAL rows using filters for Group

Step 3

Select columns District Name and Percent of Test Takers.

Hint: Hold CTRL or CMD to select both columns;

Step 4

In the Insert menu select 2D horizontal bar chart (Clustered Bar).

Advice: Horizontal bar chart is a preferred when having categories with long names

Step 5

Sort bins by sorting the Percent of Test Takers column.

Advice: Sorting/filtering the original data has a direct impact on the visualization.

EvergreenData’s tutorials

Data Series in Visualizatons

Adding average line

Step 1

Create new column named Average. Use previously learned SUBTOTAL to get the average Percent of Test Takers and fill the whole column with this value

Answer (click to open)

Step 2

Right click on the existing visualization, choose Select Data and add another series (in the Legend Series click on the plus button);

Step 3

Select Average as Y-values, Average column name as Name, and District Name column as X-values. You should have another set of bins added to your visualization;

Step 4

Select series corresponding to average (click on the orange bins). You can Change Series Chart Type by clicking right button and selecting Combo. However, this option only supports vertical bar chart.

There are some workarounds available. For example, you can add linear trend line (select series, go to Chart Design) and click Add Chart Element -> Trend Line -> Linear (or right click and select Add Trendline)

It will create vertical line for the average, just like we wanted. Now, you can make your bins invisible. Either in the Format menu or Format pane, select Fill -> No Fill and Border (or Shape Outline) -> No line.

Saving your chart

Save Visualization

Step 1

Select Chart Area (be careful not to select the Plot Area instead), right click and select Save as Picture to save your visualization