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Project Design - this all under

  • what are you trying to ask –> is your question spatial? what compoant of your research is spatial
  • kind of research questions you might ask

chart journey? single time period or over time? maybe this method (link) tool/


This workshop is designed to guide you in exploring the spatial aspect of your data. Depending on your data and project, you will have a varying degree of certainty around what story you want to tell and how you will go about it. Perhaps the spatial is just one facet of your overall project.

The first question to ask yourself is: What are my overarching project objectives?

Whatever the case may be, taking a moment to a clear idea of what you want to say, support, or create with your data/for your research will help you choose the right tools and methods.

So - think about these questions

  • put questions here and examples of objectives for different projects

notes what are you trying to show - what story eg change over time georeference historical map (georeferencing - ) or timelaps in leaflet (link to web map) voyages- itinerary locations of things if you wanna do this, then you might do this – link page / output, method

if you wanna show locations - static reference map?


  • timeframe
  • team?
  • client specifications
  • sofware accessability - proprietary or open source?
  • data management and storage
  • familiarity with tools/sofware/workflows - desire or capacity to learn new things. experience and challenge level.
  • audience

Table of contents