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Static Maps

When are static reference maps useful to visualize spatial data?

  • Location, fieldsite reference, showing the result of spatial analysis. can be exported as image, pdf, printed or kept digital. included in academic paper or website, poster, flyer.

Different kinds of static maps (remember, speaking to non geospatial experts)

  • Heatmap

  • Choropleth Map

  • Locational Reference

  • Proportional Symbol map (can also be made using inscape or adobe illustrator)


Give examples not only of tools/platforms but also resources to learn how to use them/or to use them in the specific way of making static maps.

  • QGIS Free and Open Source

  • ArcGIS

  • Google Maps

Editing further

  • Inkscape Free and Open Source

  • Adobe Illustrator

MapOSMatic “MapOSMatic is a free software webservice to generate maps of cities using OpenStreetMap data” Create rudimentary city map in just a few clicks! Difficulty low, but little room for customization.

Further Resources

  • [Creating a shapefile]
  • [Natural Earth Data]