

Basic commands

This is a quick summary of the commands mentioned in this workshop by section.

pwd print working directory to find out where in the system you are
ls view list of a file or directory
ls -l view more detailed list of files or directory
ls -lh view more detailed list and make numbers more human-readable
cd navigate between directories
cd .. go back one step while navigating between folders
cd - jump back to previous directory however many steps ago it was
man open a manual about a command

Working with files and directories

mkdir create a directory
touch create a file
nano edit a text file through an editor within the shell
mv move a file to a different location or rename it which is a form of moving
cp copy a file or directory
rm remove a file or empty directory
rm -r remove recursively directory and all files and other directories in it
cat view contents of a file
less view contents but paginated (use q to quit)
head view the first ten lines of a file by default
head -n15 view the first 15 lines (or any other number indicated by the -n flag)
tail view the last ten lines of a file. Similar to head, the -n flag allows you to view more or less

Automating with loops

echo print string that is being passed as an argument to let us know what the status of the script is