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Learning when to use Shiny apps

Contexts where building an app would be useful

  1. Data are ready to be public.

  2. End users of the data will want to see many/different graphs.

  3. Linking multiple other resources to your data.

What are Shiny apps not good at

  1. Initial data exploration and cleaning

    • Not good to look through raw data.

    • Poorly formatted data will create errors in the Shiny app itself.

  2. Any pre-publication data analysis.

  3. Being found online! Posit (Shiny) does not index the apps themselves. Promote your app using other strategies!

Example app (Bees)

This app has 3 different graphs that changed based on user input from three different drop down menus.

They link to information about the bee project, the USDA website, and a contact form (top right). Also, at the top left, there is a link to Appsilon, who are the people who made the app.