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Tidyverse Overview

What is tidyverse?

R packages allow you to use additional functions that are not pre-programmed as part of base R.

The tidyverse package, is a package of packages that allows users to load in common packages quickly, rather than one at at time.

Tidyverse is very well maintained and has a very wide community of users. See their site with information about their mission and for additional tutorials

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Installing and loading tidyverse

Like every other R package, you have to install tidyverse with install.packages("tidyverse") the first time you use it, and then only load it with library(tidyverse) after that.


# install

# load for use

After running the library(tidyverse) command, you will see some core tidyverse packages and some conflicts in your console. It’s okay to have conflicts most of the time. Today, we will focus on some of the core tidyverse packages.