Let’s wrangle and plot some data
You will notice the %>%
symbol throughout the workshop. This is called a pipe operator and it is part of the magrittr package. It is used through the tidyverse to string many operations together.
The library has another workshop, where we go over the pipe operator more in detail.
R has built in keyboard shortcuts (CMD+Shift+M for MAC; CTRL+Shift+M for PC) to get the pipe operator instead of actually typing out % > % every time.
tidyr is a package that allows easy data manipulation. To see the full options and a tidyr cheat sheet, go to their website.
Today, we will talk about pivoting data, which is an important first step before analyzing and plotting data sets.
We will work with the iris data
The iris data is currently in a “wide” format. Let’s change it into a “long” format.
# open the dataset to see what it looks like right now
# change to long format
iris.longer = iris %>% pivot_longer(cols=c(1:4),
names_to = "metric_name",
values_to = "metric_value")
# open again to see what happened
# See how we went from 5 columns to 3?
dplyr is a package that helpls with summarizing data. For the full list of what that means go to their website.
Let’s say we want to find some means and sample numbers in the iris.long dataset
iris.summarised = iris.longer %>%
group_by(Species, metric_name) %>%
sample.size = length(metric_value),
metric.mean = mean(metric_value)
We are going to keep using dplyr and use a cheat to add the summarized data back into the longer iris dataset.
iris.full = full_join(iris.longer, iris.summarised)
How did this join work? Do you know of other joins?
The UBC libraries has a workshop about joins.
ggplot2 is is a plotting package that is highly customizable. For the full resources go to their website.
You can also refer to the library workshop about ggplot2.
The customization is built on a standardized syntax:
ggplot(data, aes(x=xvariable, y=yvariable)+
other customizations
ggplot2 example
## basic box plot
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Species, y=Petal.Length))+
## basic box plot + customization
## can customize insides aes() or in additional elements strung on to the base plot code with a +
## sometimes you need to do both. set the color variable in aes() but the list of colors to use is in a new section
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Species, y=Petal.Length, color=Species))+
labs(x="Species", y="Length", color="Species")+
scale_color_manual(values=c("#08ff0a","blue", "#d600ff"))
stringr and lubridate
stringr is a package that let’s you easily manipulate character data. For the full resources go to their website.
lubridate is meant to help R users format date and time data, which are actually a huge pain to work with in R. lubridate even lets you deal with extra annoying things, like daylights savings time in your multi-year datasets. For the full resources go to their website.
Today, we are not exploring dates and times, but we are using the character vector manipulation part of lubridate.
There are many reasons you may want to manipulate characters in your dataset. Some of them are more on the data formatting side, while others are to extract parts of your data for further manipulation or analysis. We will go over both now.
Data formatting (stringr)
Let’s say we want to change the names of the iris species in our dataset to include the full common name of the iris.
iris$Species=str_replace(iris$Species, # to the Species column in the iris dataframe
"virginica", # find the pattern "virginica"
"Virginia blueflag") # replace the pattern "virginica" with "Virginia blueflag"
Repeat this activity with the setosa iris in the iris dataset (answer below)
iris$Species=str_replace(iris$Species, "setosa", "bristle-pointed iris")Let’s do the same thing, but with the example that comes up when you type ?str_replace
in the R console.
fruits <- c("one apple", "two pears", "three bananas")
fruits2=str_replace(fruits, # in fruits
"[aeiou]", # find any of these letters
"-") # replace the letters in the [] above with
What differences in structure within the str_replace
function do you notice between this example and the example we just ran through with the iris data? Hint, iris is a dataframe and fruits is a vector.
Data extracting (stringr)
The changes we just made to the iris dataset names are cute, but they are too long. Let’s use str_sub
to extract the first 3 characters of the species name.
iris$Species.Short = str_sub(iris$Species,
The point of this example is to show why str_sub
is different from str_replace
counts to extract information.
looks for perfect matches and does something with those perfect matches.
In situations where you have different string of letters (like in many DNA sequences), using perfect matches to extract a subset of your data for further analysis, like merging with other DNA sequences, is not possible because it is not reasonable to type out hundreds of sequences manually and look for matches that way.