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To install Jekyll on your system, first, you need to install two other programs. Jekyll is written in Ruby, an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Therefore, you need to install it to run Jekyll and maintain your Jekyll website. Another program is RubyGems, which is a package manager for the Ruby programming language. It provides a standard format for distributing Ruby libraries and programs and lets you manage gems installations. Gems are Ruby codes with a standard format that can be included in Ruby projects. Jekyll is a gem and many Jekyll plugins are also gems.

Please follow these guides based on your operating system to install Jekyll and its prerequisites. Installation of Jekyll takes around 10 to 30 minutes depending on your system. Also, you might need some troubleshooting.

  • macOS
    • In the instructions, you have the choice to install Ruby either using Homebrew or rbenv. If you are not familiar with either of them, my personal suggestion is to use Homebrew to install Ruby and then Install Jekyll.
  • Ubuntu
    • It is recommended to use sudo apt-get update & upgrade before installing the prerequisites.
    • Installing Jekyll and Bundler takes quite some time.
  • Other Linux
  • Windows

To check if Jekyll is installed successfully, you can check the version of Jekyll by running jekyll -v in the terminal.