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Jekyll plugins extend the capabilities of Jekyll. The following plugins are most popular:

Jekyll-scholar is for the academic blogger to format the bibliographies and reading lists for the web.

Jekyll Picture Tag automates the process of making your figures across all different browsers and devices.

Jekyll Feed plugin generates an RSS-like feer of your Jekyll posts.

Jekyll Sitemap Generator Plugin silently generates a compliant sitemap for your Jekyll site.

Jekyll-admin provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administers Jekyll sites.

Jekyll does not support commenting but you can use comment systems such as Staticman or networked community platforms such as [Disqus]

Plugins can be installed by adding a new array with the key plugins and the values of the gem names of the plugins. Also, make a _plugins directory and place the files of plugins here. Any file ending in .rb inside this directory will be loaded before Jekyll generates your site. Then, install your plugins using gem install plugin_name.

Jekyll has a Guide to Plugins and you can find many more plugins in the Awesome (Gem-Packaged) Jekyll Plugins.