
Participating Online

Active participation enlivens the session with other voices and perspectives. We encourage you to engage with instructors and with each other.

Microphones are muted by default to improve audio quality and recording is disabled to preserve participant privacy.

The Zoom toolbar provides several ways to be part of the conversation:

Zoom toolbar

Participants Window

The Participants window lists everyone in the session. Click the icons at the bottom of the window to communicate with the instructors.

Menu at bottom of participants window

Clicking an icon makes it appear next to your name in the participants list. Use this to answer yes/no questions or to raise your hand when instructors invite you to ask a question, comment, or share your screen.

Chat Window

Use the Chat window to comment or ask a question at any time. For this workshop, one instructor will cover the majority of the content in each sub-section before addressing related questions.

The co-facilitating instructor will manage and coordinate the chat throughout, so feel free to add your questions at any time! Please try to ask questions in the public chat, as it can be hard for co-facilitators to answer people in DMs.

The Chat window is a good place to report problems with your audio connection. Instructors may also use it to share links to material mentioned in the session.

Share Your Screen

In some cases instructors may invite you to share your screen. Raise your hand to indicate that you’re ready to share. When called upon click Share screen, select a window to display, and click Share.

Guiding Norms

Keep in mind as we progress through this workshop, it contains very high level content which combines both abstract and highly specific information.

The instructors expect you to have plenty of questions, and by vocalizing them, you are helping to guide this workshop to be as useful as possible.