Recommended readings
- Bazeley, P. (2020). Qualitative Data Analysis: Practical Strategies. Sage.
- Bernard, H. R., Wutich, A., & Ryan, G. W. (2017). Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches (Second ed.) SAGE.
- Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2013). Successful qualitative research: A practical guide for beginners. Sage.
- Jackson & Bazeley (2019). Qualitative data analysis with NVivo. Sage.
- Lewins, A., & Silver, C. (2014). Using software in qualitative research: A step-by-step guide (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Limited.
- Maxwell, J. A. (2013). Qualitative research design: an interactive approach (Applied social research methods, Vol. 41). Sage publications.
- Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2020). Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook. 3rd. ed: Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Paulus, T.M., & Lester, J.N. (2021). Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World. Sage.
- Richards, L. (2009). Handling qualitative data: a practical guide. Sage.
- Richards, L., & Morse, J. M. (2013). Readme first for a user’s guide to qualitative methods (3rd ed.). Sage.
- Saldaña, J. (2021). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (4th ed). Sage.
- Swedberg, R. (2014). The Art of Social Theory. Princeton University Press.
- Tavory, I., & Timmermans, S. (2014). Abductive analysis: Theorizing qualitative research. University of Chicago Press.
- Wallace, M. & Wray, A. (2011). Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates. Sage
- Wertz, F. J. (2011). Five ways of doing qualitative analysis: Phenomenological psychology, grounded theory, discourse analysis, narrative research, and intuitive inquiry. Guilford Press.
- Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: description, analysis, and interpretation. Sage
- Woolf, N. H., & Silver, C. (2017). Qualitative analysis using NVivo: The five level QDA method. Routledge.