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What is QGIS?

A Geographic Information System (GIS) such as QGIS works with data that is tied to a location on Earth. This type of data is often referred to as GIS data, or geospatial data, and is spatially referenced to Earth using location information – most commonly geographic coordinates. A GIS uses this location information to project a geospatial file into a virtual geographic space where it can then be visualized and analyzed.

QGIS is a popular desktop GIS software, and considered a free and open source software (FOSS) with a very active development community.

QGIS Pros⇡

QGIS Cons⇣

  • Most recent features can be buggy
  • Plugins lack standardized documentation
  • Troubleshooting = Internet Searching

Downloading and Installing QGIS

QGIS can be downloaded from’s Downloads page. In most cases, you’ll want to download and install the Long term release (LTR) instead of the latest release. The link for this download is just below the big green button. Downloading the QGIS-LTR will give you most of the functionality you’ll need, without encountering the software bugs of newly released versions. download-QGIS-LTR

Resources for Learning QGIS

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