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Next Steps

If this workshop has inspired you to expand your skills, try making another map on your own using data for a different location. This will give you some clarity around where you might have some gaps in understanding. Remember, you can create your own GeoJSON with free tools like

Plugins and Tutorials

Exploring Mapbox Tutorials and Plugins is an excellent way to build on the skills learned in this workshop. With Mapbox GL JS you can Show changes over time, Build a store locator, and even work towards building navigation applications. You can also go back and explore the other Mapbox products we didn’t cover today. If you create a cool map, feel welcome to share with fellow mappers in UBC’s GIS Slack!

Have further questions?

  • General Informational website for all things UBC GIS:
  • Schedule a 1:1 consult with the geospatial team here