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Introduction to Web Maps with

Leaflet Logo

This beginner-level workshop is intended for anyone interested in getting started creating web maps. This workshop aims to develop the fundamental knowledge and skills to begin web mapping while providing opportunities to ask questions. There are two main sections: an introduction to web maps, and a hands-on where we will will learn to customize boilerplate code from within a source code editor to make an interactive map of the UBC-V campus powered by Leaflet.

What you will build

Pre-Workshop Setup

All of the data for this workshop is free and openly available. However, to get started you’ll need to download and save it to your computer. During the hands-on portion you’ll work with this data in your source-code editor by copy/pasting the code provided to you. Click on the ‘Download Data’ button below to start the download. Once complete, extract the contents of the .zip file.

Download Data

Software Used

Making maps is hard. And, without practice, working in the web is hard too. While there are no prerequisites for this workshop, familiarity with cartographic principles and a basic understanding of what code is and does will make diving into web mapping easier. Refer to these resources at any time:

GIS Resources at UBC:

This workshop was authored by Evan Thornberry and Lily Demet.

Table of contents