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Next Steps

If this workshop has inspired you to expand your skills, try making another map on your own using data for a different location on your own. This will give you some clarity around where you might have some gaps in understanding. Remember, you can create your own GeoJSON with free tools like

Keep in mind that not all data will be nicely packaged and cleaned. In fact, it never is. If you proceed to use data that you’ve found on the web, be prepared to spend time preparing your data to be usable with Leaflet and the web.

More Resources for Web Mapping

This workshop builds from several other resources for web mapping. Here are some great places to start extending your knowledge:

Web map basics: Anatomy of a Web Map - Alan McConchie and Beth Schechter
Leaflet basics: Leaflet Quick Start Guide
Web map functionality examples: Mapbox.js Examples
GeoJSON: More than you ever wanted to know about GeoJSON - Tom MacWright

General Resources