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Tools and Workflows in QGIS

This intermediate-level workshop is focused on common tools and workflows in QGIS. Building on basic familiarity with the QGIS interface, participants will be guided through setting up a QGIS project, finding and downloading geospatial data from the web, loading data layers onto a basemap, and selecting and editing attribute data to answer spatial questions. By the end of this workshop, participants will be equipped with the skills and resources to make reference maps and perform basic spatial analysis on their own.

Before the Workshop

  1. Download QGIS! QGIS can be downloaded from’s Downloads page. In most cases, you’ll want to download and install the Long term release instead of the latest release - currently QGIS 3.34.6 ‘Prizren’. This will give you most of the functionality you’ll need, without encountering the software bugs of newly released versions. See here for further guidance.

  2. Familiarity with the QGIS interface is prerequisite for this workshop. Check out the Research Commons’ Map Production with QGIS if you are new to GIS, or your background is in Esri ArcGIS products. You can also browse the QGIS Documentation’s Getting Started for a refresher.

  3. Download Workshop Data

Download Workshop Data

GIS Resources at UBC:

This workshop was authored by Lily Demet.