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layout: default title: Add Data nav_order: 13 parent: Working with Layers — )


Add Data

Let’s see if we can find population data for Vancouver that will help us analyze how many trees per capita there are in each neighbourhood in the city. The City of Vancouver Open Data Portal provides 2016 Census Area Profile data from Statistics Canada.

Unfortunately, the data is not in GIS format but provided as a spreadsheet with much more information than we need formatted in a way that is not friendly to a GIS.

So the spreadsheet has been culled and reformatted to only represent total population per neighbourhood and added to the workshop.gdb as a table.


can I add some data here that would show douglas firs per capita?

Let’s add this spreadsheet to our Map Document.

  1. From the Add Data dropdown, click on Data.
  2. Navigate to the workshop.gdb and add the NeighborhoodPop table by clicking through the dialog window.
  3. Now look on the Contents Pane, you should see the table under the Standalone Tables tab.

This table was previously added to the workshop.gdb in order to be able to join it with other layers in the geodatabase. If the table is outside the geodatabase, the join we want to do with the Street Trees layer would not work.

Definition Queries

need to edit this entire section

Definition Queries “define” a dataset, based upon a SQL Query, like the ones we have used to create the selection by attributes and the labeling class. In this case, the Definition Query “defines” a subset of the data layer that ArcMap treats as the entirety of the dataset. It does not, however, require creating a new dataset (preventing redundancy in data storage) and does not alter the dataset being referenced, only our view of it in ArcGIS.

  1. Right-click the World_Countries layer and open its Properties.
  2. Click on the Definition Query tab.
  3. Click on the Add Clause Button and create a SELECT Argument as follows: POP2007 does Not include the -99999
  4. Click Add
  5. Click OK to apply the Definition Query.
  6. Re-open the Attribute Table for the World_Countries Layer and note that the POP2007 Field no longer contains records with -99999 as a value.

Because most of the features with this value are lesser countries (in terms of area), it may not be apparent that the corresponding geographic features have also been removed from the Layer, as well.

Symbology - Graduated Colours

need to edit entire section

We can now use the POP2007 attribute to visualize population density. Even though the POP2007 variable is a raw counts variable, we can use the Symbology Tabs Normalization capability to divide the POP2007 variable by the area of the features to create the density value on-the-fly.

  1. Open the Properties for the World_Countries Layer and click on the Symbology Tab.
  2. Select Graduated Colors and set the FIELD to the POP2007 variable.
  3. Set the Normalization Field to the SQMI field.
  4. Set the Classification Method to Quantiles with 5 Classes.
  5. Select a Color Ramp.
  6. Go Back to your Contents Panel (No need to click apply)

Note: When selecting your color ramp, be careful about selecting anything other than monochrome color ramps. This is because you want your map to “read well” in grayscale. In some of the 2-3 color ramps, the Intensity value of the colors at each end of the spectrum is the same, so that they produce identical grayscale values when converted, Xeroxed or printed in black & white.

Adding “Cloud” Data

need to edit entire section

Often, you will want to provide a cartographic basemap for your data in order to give it geographic context. Cartographic design can be quite time consuming. Fortunately, ArcGIS Pro leverages “Cloud” technologies to make a wide variety of pre-designed cartographic basemap layer available over the internet for use in your Map document.

  1. On the Map Menu > Layer tools, go Basemap.
  2. In the resulting window, select the “XXXX:exclamation:” basemap.
  3. Uncheck the Reference Layer that is added to the top of the Table of Contents.
  4. Wait for the basemap to render and save your work.