
Peer observation of instruction

GAAs lead or co-facilitate many of the workshops offered by the UBC Library Research Commons (RC). The RC is committed to improving its workshops and to helping GAAs develop their instruction and facilitation skills. The peer observation of instruction program is one way to provide a mutually beneficial learning experience for GAAs.


Once per 4-month term each GAA can attend a fellow GAA’s workshop, observe, then provide constructive feedback. The program is collaborative: before the workshop, instructor and observer will agree on areas of focus and the type of feedback desired (e.g. an instructor may request feedback about something specific they want to improve).

This is also an opportunity for GAAs to expose themselves to new ideas and meet other members of the larger group. Each participating GAA will be an observer and an instructor, but they don’t necessarily need to work with the same person in both roles.

All Research Commons GAAs are encouraged to participate, as the opportunity to provide mutual feedback can be a way to become more comfortable with their teaching role and to meet others in the RC team.


Signup for peer observation typically happens near the start of each term. If possible, observers should pair with instructors they don’t normally work with. While it may be possible to participate by viewing and providing feedback on a recorded workshop, ideally GAAs will participate in peer observation synchronously.

Time commitment

The estimated time commitment is 4 to 4.5 hours, in addition to time spent teaching. A rough breakdown:

As observer

  • Pre-workshop communication. 0.5 hours
  • Workshop. 1.5-2 hours
  • Post-workshop communication (preparing and sharing feedback). 1 hour

As instructor

  • Pre-workshop communication. 0.5 hours
  • Post-workshop communication (receiving feedback). 0.5 hours

Instructors can provide observers with prompts of what they are most interested in getting feedback on. GAAs can meet in-person, over Zoom, or use email for the pre- and post-session communication. Team leads will help with initial pairing, but GAAs in observer and instructor roles are expected to schedule their own meetings.


RISE model for self-evaluation and feedback

RISE is an acronym for Reflect, Inquire, Suggest, Elevate. The four tiers of the RISE model can guide self-evaluations and help observers provide meaningful feedback.

Pre-observation questions

Questions that the observer may wish to ask the instructor during the introductory meeting, adapted from CTLT Pre-Observation Questions and University of Toronto Guide to Peer Observation of Teaching.

  • What is the content and structure of the workshop?
  • What are the goals an objectives of the workshop?
  • What would you like me to focus on during the workshop?
  • What feedback would you like? Written or verbal?
  • Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Sample feedback forms

Observers may use or adapt the feedback forms below, or create their own.